The Waynesville Housing Authority cannot accept Section 8 voucher program participants since WHA is also funded by HUD for low-income housing. The Section 8 Housing Voucher Program is a rental subsidy program administered by Mountain Projects for Haywood and Jackson Counties.
This program is aimed at families who are currently paying more than 30% of their adjusted gross, monthly income for rent and utilities, and for those who need rental assistance in order to live in “safe, decent and sanitary” housing. Mountain Projects and the Federal Government have a special commitment to aid the homeless, low income, elderly, handicapped, disabled and large families.
MPI currently has 1008 vouchers to help families in both Haywood and Jackson Counties. Typically 43% of the clients they help are elderly, handicapped or disabled. Once clients receive a voucher they choose the home they want to live in. They have more than 700 landlords within the two counties that work with this program, with the exception of WHA.
The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or handicap.
Call 828-452-1447 to learn more, or visit